News Last updated: 2023/11/03


HellCat Music is bringing the highest quality bass boost since 2018It all started as a just for fun project but it turned out to be a bigger success in the end. Our channel has built up a community of 100K+ people and still counting.

For Our 100,000 subscribers special we have got our own song called, "Hellcat" by AZERKD. It Is released on multiple platforms like: Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer. Make sure to check it out!


Our channel is up to promote many kind of genres, as long as they are bass heavy.
We will try to listen to everything that gets sent our way.
However, due to a high volume of submissions it is not always possible for us to reply immediately.
Good luck!
※Don't send Bootlegs, Mash-ups and remixes, just original material.

Kotone Myougoku

Kotone Myogoku (猫獄ことね ; Hepburn: Myougoku Kotone), is a cat demon, who is longing for the music that humans create. For that reason leaving her home, she have came up from hell into the Human world. While living here, she have collected a lot of songs and now she is eager to share this music with everyone!She is also featured in our new mix series called Kotone's Power Beats!CV: erusha

You have questions for us?

Send us an e-mail regarding, the channel, copyright issues or music promotion.(We Do Not accept sponsorships!)[email protected]

© All rights reserved.

Kotone's Gallery

You can find different illustrations of Kotone here, that you can even set it as your wallpaper, to take her with you on the go, or see her at home everyday!Desktop wallpapers are coming soon!All Illustrations are in the owneship of HellCat Music, and it is prohibited to reprint or use them in any unassoiciated manner, that involves earning revenue from these illustrations!All Rights Reserved.

© All rights reserved.



Good News! Major Update!

Finally, we have some good news to share with you all! After an unplanned hiatus we started doing some work. In the next months things will change for the better.What change?By the end of 2023 and the start of the new year 2024, we plan on making some major changes in how the channel operates. As of right now, the workflow of the channel is unorganized, time consuming and tiring. This was the main reason why uploads drastically dropped in the last months.

What changes we are going to make?How the channel will look in 2024 is something we cannot exactly know as of yet. But in the meantime there will be some things that you should know of:The channel will upload weekly, every Friday. For now the we'll have to say goodbye to the illustrations in the backgrounds. We'll use the great work of talented photographers from pexels to fill in the gap. Our descriptions will also get simpler.These are the changes that you can expect until the rework of the channel will be done. After we are done, you can once again enjoy great anime themed illustrations!


E-mail update

Since our time and or power is not always there to deal with e-mails we will be trying to make a pattern by replying to e-mails on weekends.

Of course if anything comes up we will be updating the people in the conversation immediately.Our e-mail address is:
hellcatmusic1(@) - Without ()
Please we are not interested in any promotions. Especially from sketchy checz e-mail addresses.


What were we doing?

Ever since the end of 2022 summer, activity on the channel has dropped significantly. It is time we make clear as of why.This channel started in our teenage years, and as youngsters we had all the time on our hands we could have ever wanted. We went from videos made on smartphones to a full fledged music promotion channel, with over 100.000 following. Words still can't express how much we appriciate all of you.The years went by things got greater and we wanted to keep up with the flow that we found ourselves in. We aimed higher and decided to make HellCat Music more. Commissioning a great artist to make us our very own mascot. Starting our own label, this all was part of making a music channel everyone can enjoy. Great people came and went in the life of us and the channel.

However not everything could've stay this way forever and we knew that very well.We have grown up.We have work and exams to look forward to and a whole life, that we yet need to build for ourselves. This along with a huge decline in mental health means we are not able to always find the time and motivation to keep up with the channel, or even maintaining a regular upload schedule.We have not given up.We will continue to work on this channel, even if very slowly. Who knows, one day we might be able to take it to a whole new level? We cannot know what the future holds.We hope the community we've built, even if silent, stays around on this journey we all call life.Thank you, and sorry.